Contact Waldo Lindhorst for any enquiries

072 764 9294

Why Rejoice?

To Rejoice is defined as, to feel or show great joy or delight


With Rejoice you will find scientifically formulated products to promote good health and development. Rejoice instant meal is our flagship product and is a well balanced meal or shake and can be used by everyone any time of the day. Rejoice supports gut health, has no added sugar, provides lasting energy, boost immune system, optimise brain function and is diabetic friendly. Our products are designed to help you reach your goals.

Our GOAL is to help you be The Everyday Millionaire (TEM). The Everyday Millionaire is someone who invest in their health, mindset and finances everyday.

What is gut health?

“Gut health” describes the function and balance of bacteria of the many parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Ideally, organs such as the oesophagus, stomach and intestines all work together to allow us to eat and digest food without discomfort. But that is not the case for more than half (54%) of South Africans who experience digestive health problems. 77% of South Africans suffer from bloating, 76% have constipation and 28% experience regular diarrhoea.

Why should we pay attention to our gut health?

All food is ultimately broken down in the gut to a simple form that can enter the bloodstream and be delivered as nutrients throughout the body. This is only possible with a healthy digestive system. A healthy gut contains healthy bacteria and immune cells that ward off infectious agents like bacteria, virusses and fungi. A healthy gut also communicates with the brain through nerves and hormones, which helps maintain general health and well-being.

The Everyday Millionaire

Assets – Liabilities = Million

The Everyday Millionaire is someone who constantly, through out the day, focus on increasing their assets in their health, mindset and finances. Investing in yourself to prosper in life.

Better physical health – being a millionaire in your health you invest in making decisions that will increase your physical health assets, such as eating healthy, excercise, good sleep, good relationships, drinking enough water etc.

Better mental health – our biggest battle in life is in our mind. What you believe about yourself, others and situations create the world you live in. You become The Everyday Millionaire in your mental health when you invest in your mental health by surrounding yourself with like-minded people who have hope, is possitive, inspire and uplift each other. Think about the way you think. Invest in thinking like The Everyday Millionaire.

Better financial health – The Everyday Millionaire look at opportunities to increase their financial assets and reduce liabilities and keep record of what they do with their money. You increase your financial assets through financial litteracy and by earning additional income.

Rejoice will make you The Everyday Millionaire in Health, Mind and Finances.

Who will benefit by using Rejoice!

  • The whole family
  • Elderly people who need the best nutrition  from every meal
  • Anyone sensitive to Gluten
  • Diabetics
  • Athletes looking for a cereal or a shake that will provide sustained energy without a midday crash. 
  • Children looking for a tasteful and healthy meal
  • Malnourished individuals looking to improve their immune system and get their daily vitamins in one go
  • Sportsmen and women
  • Patients who receives chemotherapy or any other similar treatment
  • Health conscious individuals who want to sustain longevity
  • IBS Patients

Well, anyone will benefit by using Rejoice to improve quality of life.




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